The Mother’s Voice Episode #1
“It’s been 4 years we’ve been in Portugal. And life happens to all of us, you know ? All of us have our things to overcome. And this portrait marks this period when you come out of the darkness and you play the song and you play it with joy. Understanding that just because of that journey, you became who you are right now. I have the appreciation of being here and now so much. In this moment with you. Taking footage of that preciousness of life that is coming out. And understanding that everything that happens is happening on our behalf. And this is not just word, this is truly a meaning. If I can surrender into that and trust the divine plan then I come out of it drumming. Yes, for me women drumming are women in power, celebrating”.
.”..So this is all what it represents for me: The Heartbeat of a Mother”.
Please share in the comments how you liked this 1st ever Episode of The Mother’s Voice.
For me personally: It gives me goosebumps and joy and brings tears to my eyes…Thank you @katarina-astroluv What a journey it has been with you. Truly grateful for you. And so excited to keep our magic rolling inside Mothers of the Earth.