

Meet the Mothers

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Do you feel like you belong to the Mothers of the Earth ?


My home country.
This is where I returned and this is where I want to work.
I feel very connected to the mothers here.
May we courageously embark on the journey into the heart and 
find our way back into our true greatness and wisdom as mothers of the earth.


I was led deep into the abyss of female history and climbed high on sacred mountains.
Through incredible means I  ended up in a lonely cottage and took a picture that moved us to tears.
They were moments full of happiness and pure fulfillment.


I found my heart in Portugal.
Here I experienced the impact women have,
who live in their true feminine power.


Mallorca was a place full of warmth, deep conversations, pastel tones, full moon, blue sky, sisterly energy and magic, intensity and depth.
The encounters in front of my camera were transformative and confirmed me even more in my mission.


England enchanted me. I became the mountain
Anna, Maria’s grandmother, played the drums and let me lead.
Wonderful mothers have opened their doors to me.
From heart to heart. Strangers became sisters.


Following my call takes me to all kinds of countries and to all kinds of women.
Together we weave the tapestry of life, together we grow.

More Portraits of Women

Enjoy their beauty and presence. 

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